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Punjabi language 100 Questions

Saturday 31 October 2015

Information about Punjab and festivals

About Punjab:-

The word “Punjab” is made up of two Persian words -Panj- and -Aab-. Panj means five and Aab means water. This name was probably given to this land possibly in an era when this region came into close contact with Persia. The Punjab was known as land of five rivers because of the five rivers that ran through it. They are Jhelum, Ravi,Beas, Sutlej and Chenab. Prior to Persian period this region was known by different names at different times. Probably, at the height of its glory it was known as Sapta Sindhu, land of the seven rivers, namely Sindhu (Indus), Vitasta (Jehlum), Asuhi (chenab), Purshin (Ravi), Vipasa (Beas), Satadru (Satluj) and Saruri (Saraswati). The last one is a dried up stream now and its traces are found in the present seasonal streams that flow near Pehowa in Haryana.
Fairs And Festivals:-
Diwali means festival of lights (from Sanskrit dipamala or dipavall meaning rows of lamps or nocturnal illumination), is observed all over India on amavasyia, the last day of the dark half of the lunar month of Kartika (October-November).
Baisakhi On this memorable day (March,30 of A.D.1699) , Guru Gobind Singh Sahib called a big meeting at Kesgarh Sahib near the City of Anandpur Sahib.Between fifty toeightythousand Sikhs attended this meeting. When all were expecting to hear words of comfort.

Hola Mahalla or simply Hola is a Sikh festival, which takes place on the first of the lunar monthof Chet, which usually falls in March.This follows the Hindu festival of Holi; Hola is the masculine form of the feminine noun Holi.

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