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Punjabi language 100 Questions

Tuesday 20 October 2015


The language of English is a funny one. Sometimes, it feels like people aren’t saying what they really mean to say, using, instead, strings of words that make no sense on their own. Confusing as they may be, these strings of random words stitched together are the essence of the language. These idoms are plays a crucial rule in your heart shivering competition exam.
IDOMS and PHRASES are the important part of the any language. They are the ornaments of the concerned language and make it impressive and more effective.If you use in your daily life it impressive impact on others.Below is given the most important idioms. PUNJAB UPCOMING EXAM.
 1. Once in a blue moon:
Meaning-Something that happens very rarely
Sentence- Once in a blue moon, the blue jay can be seen in these parts of the forest.
2.  Beating around the bush:
Meaning-Avoiding the main topic
Sentence-The President was beating around the bush when the citizens demanded a reason for the forgery of legal documents.
3Chip on your shoulder:
Meaning-When someone is upset about something that happened a while ago
Sentence-He has a chip on his shoulder for being abandoned by his parents in his childhood.
4Cry over spilt milk:
Meaning-Complaining about a loss or failure from the past
Sentence-He was mad because he couldn’t clear the cut off due to a silly mistake. But, then he realized there was no use crying over spilt milk and decided to become more careful.
5Spill the beans:
Meaning-To disclose a secret
Sentence-The little one spilled the beans about the surprise vacation we had planned.
6Piece of cake:
Meaning-Something that is easy to understand or do
Sentence-I thought that the problem would be tough, but it turned out to be a piece of cake!
7Blessing in disguise:
Meaning-Something good and useful that did not initially seem that way
Sentence-His accident was a blessing in disguise because it gave him a lot of time to think about his life while he was recovering, and as a result, he made some important decisions that improved his life.
8Come hell or high water:
Meaning-Possible obstacles in your path (will not stop you)
Sentence-I have decided that come hell or high water I will become an engineer.
9Taste of your own medicine:
Meaning-When someone receives the same treatment, usually negative, that he/she gives to others
Sentence-She is always taunting others and hurting their sentiments. I just wish someone would give her a taste of her own medicine.
10Golden handshake:
Meaning-A big sum of money given to a person when he/she leaves a company or retires

Sentence-The management of the company wanted to decrease their workforce. They offered a golden handshake to their aged employees.

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